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贸易摩擦、新冠疫情使我国经济贸易面临严峻挑战,人民币汇率波动及贸易壁垒将常态化地影响我国出口贸易.在加快形成以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局背景下,文章基于HS分类原则,选取WTO等机构的贸易数据,通过构建BEER模型测算了人民币汇率失衡程度;通过建立固定效应面板模型研究了人民币汇率失衡及贸易壁垒双因素对我国出口行业影响的异质性.研究表明:人民币汇率失衡对我国出口贸易整体上具有显著负向影响,非关税壁垒对我国出口贸易整体上具有显著正向影响;关税和非关税构成的贸易壁垒与人民币汇率失衡双因素对我国出口贸易具有显著抑制作用,并对不同出口行业的影响存在异质性;人民币汇率失衡与非关税壁垒双因素对大多行业均具有显著负向影响,人民币汇率失衡与关税壁垒双因素对不同行业影响的正负效应及程度大小有异质性.因此,建议通过运行逆周期因子等完善人民币汇率自我修正机制;通过引导出口企业了解使用外汇衍生品等促进外汇衍生品市场运行机制的健全;通过加强"海外仓"建设及深耕RCEP框架下的东盟十国市场等实施出口行业差异化贸易策略;通过提升自主科技创新能力等加快出口行业产业转型升级,推动双循环,实现我国出口贸易高质量发展.  相似文献   
 创新对当代组织的生存和发展至关重要,它一般包括创意生成和创意推行两个阶段。已有研究更集中于探讨如何促进创意的产生,对创意推行的研究却相对匮乏。创意倡导是对新颖想法的积极推广,被认为是创新推行的关键。促进个体的创意倡导是推行创新的有效举措,然而理论和实践较少关注如何促进个体的创意倡导。        基于工作要求-资源模型,探讨领导权力分享对个体创意倡导的影响,提出领导权力分享对个体创意倡导同时存在增益效应和损耗效应,在二者之间构建非线性的理论模型,进一步考察个体创新效能感在其中的调节作用。收集一家IT教育科技企业的62个团队共291名个体的问卷数据,使用HLM 7.0进行跨层次的层级回归方法检验领导权力分享对个体创意倡导的影响以及个体创新效能感的调节作用。        研究结果表明,领导权力分享与个体创新倡导之间存在倒U形关系,即当领导权力分享处于适中水平时,个体有最多的创意倡导行为。个体创新效能感在领导权力分享与个体创新倡导的关系中起调节作用,即当个体创新效能感较低时,领导权力分享与个体创意倡导之间呈倒U形关系;而当个体创新效能感较高时,领导权力分享与个体创意倡导之间呈正向的线性关系。        从领导权力分享角度探讨创意倡导的前置因素,是对创新研究的一个有益补充。基于工作要求-资源模型分析领导权力分享的双刃剑效应,拓展了对领导力影响的认识。从实践意义上,研究结果启示管理者在促进个体创意倡导时,要警惕过度领导权力分享的消极作用,并且提高个体的创新效能感。  相似文献   
This paper explores the growth of the academic study of nonprofit management and organizations in China by examining theses and dissertations written in China between 2000 and 2018. Using a keyword search, we collect and review 5,346 abstracts available in the China National Knowledge Infrastructure Thesis and Dissertation database. The number of these theses and dissertations accelerated between 2000 and 2015 and slowed thereafter. Most theses and dissertations focus on the external context of nonprofit organizations (78%) and fewer on nonprofit management per se (22%). Thematic analysis reveals several broad subjects of study including organizational development, the character of the external environment and internal operations, financial and other resource support, and organizational performance. Trends across the 19‐year study period relating to national regions of origin, discipline, and theme are also explored. The development of nonprofit studies in China in some ways resembles the growth of this field in the United States and other western countries in past decades, but with distinct Chinese historical, sociocultural, and geographical characteristics.  相似文献   
本文基于人力资源管理价值链的视角,分析了政府和企业在农民工这一特殊人力资源类型的价值创造、价值评价和价值分配的三个环节管理中存在的问题。这些问题最终导致了"用工荒"现象的产生。政府层面存在的主要问题有:在价值评创造环节中,缺乏对低端劳动力群体的规划、建立统一的劳动力市场和对农民工技能培训经费的投入不足;在价值评价环节,缺乏对技能人才的评价机制;在价值分配环节,对农民工利益保障的立法不完善且执法不严。企业层面存在的主要问题有:在价值创造环节,只重使用,不重培养;在价值评价环节,缺乏多种评价手段;在价值分配环节,企业发放给农民工的薪酬福利低,针对以上问题,从政府和企业两个层面,提出了相应的解决对策。  相似文献   
本文的主要工作是对季节调整中结构分量模型的选择及稳健性问题进行研究。通过构造备选模型、引入正态先验分布及对MCMC抽样方案进行重新设计,本文提出了能同时有效地辨别出分量个数和分量随机性与否的模型选择方法。将该方法应用于对中国季度GDP序列的季节调整建模分析中。分析结果显示,本文所提出的模型选择方法具有较高的筛选能力,并且对先验分布超参数值的变动也具有很好的稳健性。  相似文献   

China implemented the two-child policy in 2016, however, potential impacts of this new policy on its population reality have not been adequately understood. Using population census data and 1% population sampling data during the period of 1982–2015, this study develops a fertility simulation model to explore the effects of the two-child policy on women’s total fertility rate, and employs Cohort Component Method in population projections to examine China’s demographic future with different fertility regimes. The fertility simulation results reveal that the two-child policy will make significantly positive effects on China’s total fertility rate through increasing second births, leading to a sharp but temporary increase in the first 5 years after the implementation of the new policy. In addition, population projections using simulated total fertility rates show that the Chinese population would reach its peak value around the middle 2020s and be faced with the reduction of labor force supply and rapid aging process, featured with remarkable increases in both size and share of the elderly population. The findings suggest that the two-child policy would undoubtedly affect China’s fertility rates and demographic future; however, the effects are mild and temporary.

Quality of life is a complicated concept that has attracted broad attention from multiple disciplines. This article introduces a set of studies that employ diverse approaches to explore how work, vocational, and career experiences shape quality of life among migrants, and proposes a future agenda to extend this stream of research. Specifically, operationalizing quality of life in different ways, research showcased in this special issue has demonstrated how international and intranational migrants achieve, maintain, and enhance their well-being in different life domains. Reflecting on the literature and the showcased studies, this article proposes that future research should advance the current inquiry by better categorizing vocational experiences, uniquely operationalizing of quality of life in migration contexts, taking a more culturally sensitive perspective, and broadening methodological approaches.  相似文献   
为满足以新技术、新业态、新产业、新模式为主要特点的新经济发展需求,开展多学科交叉的创新型人才培养势在必行。基于新工科建设理念和BIM技术发展,对国内外BIM技术和BIM专业人才培养现状进行了对比分析,总结出我国高校BIM人才培养中存在的系列问题,并对高校土建类多学科协同BIM人才培养与实践进行探讨,通过分析BIM教学课程体系、师资力量、应用环境、实践教学等方面存在的问题,提出调整BIM人才培养方向,完善BIM人才培养方案,搭建产学研一体化BIM平台,优化人才引进和培养机制,提高师资力量,增加专业资源投入,优化BIM应用环境,建立人才培养综合能力评价考核体系,推动教学方法创新,深化校企合作等建议,为新形势下高校培养新型BIM应用人才提供思路。  相似文献   
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